Tuesday, December 1, 2020

The Letters in the Word G O D As little children learning English, we were given, by our parents or teachers, 26 letters to use as tools to develop our minds. There was no Spirit attachment to these letters. In fact, the only attachment the letters did have was usually to little wooden or plastic blocks of letters that we could move around and form little blocks of words. In order to remember these 26 letters we were taught the alphabet. We all learned it as a forever fixed string of letters that will never change. In this forever fixed string of letters are the letters G O D. G is the 7th letter. O is the 15th letter and D is the 4th letter. Guess what, the position of those letters equals 26. Does that matter? It might, if the mind considers that G O D just might be the "three measures of meal" that will raise the entire alphabet into Spiritual consciousness. How might that work? According to John 1:1 in the King James Version of the Bible it is stated....."In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God." Thus, in the beginning, the Letters G O D were directly attached or connected to the Spirit of GOD. Shortly after the beginning, Adam severed that Spiritual connection with GOD, and that was the original sin. Everyone born since Adam learned their language without any connection to the Spirit of God, except one, and His Name was Jesus. Jesus showed the world that He did reconnect to the Spirit of God and showed us all HOW we can reconnect too! If anyone really wants to know HOW to reconnect, there are some important words in the Bible that will act as stepping stones along the Way . Step 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was WITH God, or attached to God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with GOD. (see John 1:1,2 In the King James Bible KJV). Step 2 Seek and ye shall find, KNOCK and it shall be OPENED unto you. (see Luke 11:9 KJV) These two steps are enough to get started on reconnecting to the Spirit of God. The important thing here is that everyone and everything in this physical world has a name composed of letters connected or attached to them. Bob is connected to Bob, Jane is connected to Jane, chair is connected to a chair and so on. So in the Beginning, the word GOD was connected to G O D. The only difference is the G O D was Spirit and we cannot actually see it in this physical word. No one has ever seen GOD, not even Jesus. Check it out. John 1:18 "No man hath seen God at any time, the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him." With this information in mind, now go way to the beginning in the Bible, Adam was directly connected to the Spirit of G O D, and then severed that connection. That IS the original sin. Ever since that happened,the human race followed the pattern set by Adam. Hence we are all born into that same sin. No Connection to the Spirit of G O D, which was with Adam the beginning. Now comes Jesus who said we all must be born again. Why, because He was most likely Adam who returned reconnected to the Spirit of G O D..and paid the ultimate price for that original sin that caused everyone to be born in sin. So to be reborn and to have everlasting life, because He already paid the ultimate price, we can now reconnect to the Spirit of GOD. Here is HOW we can do it. When we are born we are given a bunch of letters, by our parents or teachers, to develop our conscious minds. The problem with that is there was never any Spiritual attachment to them. When we move our letters around there is no movement of Spirit because there was no Spiritual attachment or connection within the mind to the letters we move. Here it is in a nutshell, When the mind moves letters as its own without a connection it builds a mind conscious of itself, or a self conscious mind. If the mind begins to move its letters as If they belong to G O D, and they really do, because even the mind is a creation of G O D, the mind and its created body begin its Spiritual conversion and re-connection back to G O D just as Jesus, the Word made flesh did. We are born again as little children and can use our "block letters' in a new way because our forever indwelling Spirit now can move within ourselves because now we can use the letters as His and He knows it within our own created bodies and we can feel it. In essence the born child learned to move "block letters" into "Blocked words that really build a self conscious mind that literally blocks itself in itself. By moving our own conscious letters as His, we can unblock the words by "knocking" and "opening" them, we shall find His signs in our own words. Here is just one simple example, the blocked word... SELF Noah Webster, A very spiritual man created the dictionary because he knew we first had to build a conscious awareness of Self using blocked words. no Spiritual connection and movement. The Word made flesh, Jesus had plenty of movement for he was reconnected. Here is a simple way to knock and unblock SELF and find a sign showing that the mind is moving into connection.....(S)elf... There it is. The mind just converted Self into a Spiritual little, one and the indwelling Spirit of God in the created body knows the mind has made the reconnection and joyfully moves within, and the mind and body can feel it. That is just one word to get the movement going. The willing mind may seek and fine many words that will keep His Spirit moving within, and eventually we end up with eternal life with an everlasting connection to GOD. It is just that simple. These two tools ( ) are very significant in seeking to knock on your block words to open them up and look for signs along the Way. These two tools very well may be what Jesus was referring to just before he was captured in Luke:22:38...And they said, "Lord, behold, here are two swords". And he said unto them, "It is enough". This was said by the Word made Flesh, Jesus Words use parentheses separate out words, and that is just what we do here as born again little children. Again, as said Jesus Matthew 18;13..."And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven." Spiritual Hide and Seek "Seek And Ye Shall Find" Matthew 7:7 It is right here that Jesus set the foundation for a wonderful Spiritual children's game of hide and seek. HIDE AND SEEK One of the very first games a young child learns to play is hide and seek.They all love to play it, and they seem to inherently know HOW to play. Jesus would like human minds to play the same game with Him. Why? Jesus would like the human mind to go and seek Him rather than for Him to go and seek the human mind. Why? Jesus is already AS ONE with the will of the Father, and would like the human mind, and its free will to MOVE and also become AS ONE with He and the Father. OK. But how can the mind do that? The mind MAY go and seek Him with the very tools that it already literally has at hand, no pun intended. What tools? LETTERS If the human mind is willing to MOVE its own letter as if they belonged to Jesus, the mind will move towards Him because those letters are His. It is the same thing John did on the Greek Island of Patmos. OK, let's go find Him in His own Letters. There He is. There is the Lord hiding right in the middle of the word child. Not only is He is hiding inside the word child, He is also hiding inside the word hid that is also hiding inside the word child. C H I (L) D Is this a coincidence or a co-incident? The Latter. That is how the game is played. These are simple movements that Stir His Spirit within us. Remember John. Human minds move letters all the time. Maybe the Holy Spirit will move with them, if the mind will make the connection . Remember John. The Spirit did say He was the Greek Letters John was moving, did He not? SIN SIN is moving away from God. Here is how the mind may move closer to G O D, by transforming the word attached to SIN to SIGNS along the Way. Simply allow the mind to insert His Letter (G) that was with God in the beginning. He will literally turns SINS into SI(G)NS along the Way home for the mind willing to enter within. Within what? Within the mind's own words believing that the letters are His rather than its own. Remember what three letters were with God in the beginning? G O D They are also as the three measures of meal that will leaven every letter of the alphabet that the mind moves, if the mind is willing. WORLD The Bible states that Jesus is the Lord. The Bible also states that Jesus was the Word made flesh. The Bible also states He was in this WORLD, and the World knew Him not. Move some letters a little bit and look into this WORLD and guess what letter is right within the WORD. W O R (L) D That is not a coincident. It is a co-incident within the mind of the child that seeks to be As One with His Spirit that was Alpha and Omega for John and is A to Z for us. Here are some more the Probably the most common word in the English Language. the.....(t)he....There He is at the cross. there...(t)here...When the child its up its own cross, the child is both here and there with the Lord. earth...ear(th)...The mind is on (t)his earth to hear His Words that are formed with His Letters. church...(ch)ur(ch)...When you open the doors of this church, guess who is inside. It is a coincident in your mind, If your mind does not think ur. It is a co-incident in your mind with His Spirit, if your mind does think ur. mind..mi(n)d..take out the (n)egative and the mind is in the (mid). mid from the His view is dim. That is why Jesus is the Light. Free will allows the mind to move in any direction. It is the will of Father that the mind will move towards the Son through His Letters. GOD'S ALPHABET A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z These are English, modern day, letter symbols given to the minds of children by parents and teachers. There has never been any consideration that there might be a direct connection between the Spirit of God and the symbols given to the children. John made that very connection on the GREEK Island of Patmos when the Spirit of God told him that the letters John was moving were AS ONE with the Spirit of God. Revelation 1:8 which was repeated four times to John so that it would sink in. The symbols of the freewill mind of Adam, in the very beginning, as the Pattern for the mind WERE connected to the Spirit of God. Adam broke that connection by indirectly listening to the words and letters produced by the snake which were Spiritually NOT connected to God. Letters are things that the mind can visualize. "The Father loveth the Son, and hath given all things into His hand." John 3:35 "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord" Revelation 1:8 The Spirit of God revealed to John on the Greek Island of Patmos that the letters John was moving, John had re-connected them to God's Spirit, and this was the KEY revelation to John. That is why the Spirit states that He is Alpha and Omega. His Spirit is the essence of all symbolic letters that the mind uses, but the human mind was never taught that there could be a connection. His Spirit has never changed. It is the mind that changes. The mind has even changed the shape of His Letters to suit its self from time to time. Whatever the mind changes, the essence of the symbols that the mind uses still contain His Spirit that never changes and will be released through the continuing unfoldment of the mind. HIS Letters,that every mind now calls its own, will be LENT to a Child of God if the human mind is willing. It is the will of God and the destiny of the soul that the mind consciously return the Letters to the Son. The mind communicates by moving 26 letters called the Alphabet. Every letter of the English Alphabet is set as in a string of letters whose individual positions in that cord will never change. Every child learns the Alphabet in the same order. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z The exact positions of the letters G-O-D will never change in this cord of letters. G is ...............07 O is ...............15 D is ...............04 Total is exactly....26 The letters G O D are like the three measures of meal that will leaven the whole loaf. The fixed position of these letters in our Alphabet indicate a sign that these letters are AS ONE with the whole alphabet that the mind moves, just as GOD may be AS One with every created mind that is willing to receive the same the Revelation that was given to John, and that John gave to the whole world. The essence of this cord of letters is the reflection of the true light that enters into the human mind and the mind has known it not. The mind will know it if it is willing to make an immaculate conception of its own. This cord of letters was severed by Adam and was restored by Adam as Jesus. Adam, as Jesus, became the Pattern of recording these Mind Symbols of Light so that everyone in the world may see how to follow His Pattern. It was the Spirit of God that moved and formed this world in the beginning. That Spirit was the Word made flesh within Adam, and that Word was formed with the movement of God's Spiritual Letters, G-O-D. These are the Letter Symbols of Spirit that formed the word G O D that was with God in the beginning. John 1:1 The Temple of the Mind THE ALTAR WITHN the temple of the mind there is an altar. On this altar are two symbols ( ) that are as the two swords that were given to Jesus by His Disciples just before he was captured. Jesus said, "that is enough". It is enough. It is upon this altar, and WITHIN the two swords, that the mind may make simple CONVERSIONS to the alphabetical letters that the mind has been using as tools to form the words that form its conscious thought. PHYSICAL letters will only produce PHYSICAL words, and PHYSICAL words will only produce a PHYSICAL mind. The mind may use as tools, a combination of PHYSICAL letters and SPIRITUAL letters... ...that will TRANSFORM the words into higher consciousness... ...and that will in turn, TRANSFORM, CONVERT, raise up, or move the mind into a new state of consciousness. Thus, the new mind may be in two states of consciousness at the same time, and all the time. The active process in this temple may literally move the mind to be As One on this earth as it is in heaven, IF the mind is willing. This process will allow the inner child, or new mind, to be born out of the old mind as... ...."whose seed is in itself"* *Genesis 1:11. This process will also show how, the mind, as a little child, may enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.* *Matthew 18:1 There are no money changers in this temple. The tables of the money changers have been overturned by Jesus so that the mind may be set free. This process allows the mind to learn inner wisdom as well as outer knowledge. It is as the altar-rations for the mind. It is as hidden manna for the inner child. The information on this process and how it works was received through this writer via spiritual letter writing. The reason that religion is so complex and difficult to comprehend is that a great gulf is fixed between the mind and God. The true cord that originally connected the mind to God was a cord of SPIRITUAL letters that formed SPIRITUAL words. The mind LOST the SPIRIT of letters and words in the Garden of Eden. When the mind left the Garden it took the letters as it's own, and the SPIRIT of these letters was left behind. Today, the mind is using PHYSICAL letters to look AT God's words, when the mind should now use God's SPIRITUAL letters to look INTO the minds own words. To develop the mind to its fullest potential, two sets, or threads, or strings of letters are used. The first set of letters are secular letters that the physically born child moves around to gain consciousness of the physical world. This is very good except that when the mind moves these letters and these letters move the mind, there is no room at the inn for any other letter form. Why? Because the born child never learned of any other form of letters. This is where the born again mind comes into being. It is the MIND that is born again of water and Spirit. Water is the universal symbol for truth and Spirit is God. IF the mind is willing to include SPIRITUAL letters as hidden manna for the born-to-be inner child, the child will begin to stir and it will know that the parental mind is preparing the way. This true and simple process will answer most of the difficult questions of God's Word. For example, it is correct that a born child is born in sin. The child's MIND has moved away from God, and that is the sin. As the born again mind stirs, and moves to be as one with (G)od, the sin is literally CONVERTED to a si(G)n along the way. As the born again child uses HiS letters, the child will actually find his own true pathway home using the mind's very own words as stepping stones, rather than as stumbling blocks. Has the mind ever wondered why God has so many names? If all the letters are His, then it only stands to reason that the words that are formed by these letters are also His. "In the beginning was the Word, the Word was WITH God." John 1:1 Therefore the Word had to be made of Letters or it would not be a word. In Revelation 1:8, the Holy Spirit says, "I am Alpha and Omega". The Letters were as one with God in the beginning, and will be as one with God in the end. The free will of the mind will choose what letter path it will follow. The conscious mind has a parental responsibility to raise its own Inner Child. This is the ultimate Ideal that is set before every born mind that comes into being on this earth plane. The web pages below will show the mind that SPIRITUAL writing does indeed set the mind free. The proof will be the mind's observation of spiritual signs in its own words. The signs are there. "Seek and ye shall find"...Matthew 7:7 Where anyone may take UP its own cross (t) and become a Child of God. Mathew 18:3 "Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven John 3:3 "Except that a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." John 3:6 "That which is born of flesh is flesh; and that which is born of Spirit is Spirit." Genesis 1:11 "...after his kind, whose seed is in itself." Every human being is first born of flesh. In that flesh there is a seed that develops into a human mind Into the physical human mind, there is placed by God another seed that is literally Spiritual in nature and may be born out of the physical mind as an immaculate conception. That conception is called a Child of God. I believe that this is the born again process that is Patterned after the Virgin Mary. Every human being that enters the earth plane carries this Spiritual seed within itself and only through the free will of the mind may this mind, as a Child of God, may be nurtured into development. HOW MINDS ARE DEVELOPED The physical mind, as a parent, and the Child of God mind both are developed in the same way. They are nurtured by letters and the movement of the those letters. The physical parental mind evolves by moving letters that are NOT directly connected to His Spirit. The child of God mind born out of that parental mind simply has learned to connect its ABC's directly to His Spirit and THEN moves them. That is WHY Revelation 1:8 is so important. "I am Alpha and Omega". The spark of awakening of both the physical and the spiritual mind first takes place when letters that are attached to His Spirit are THEN moved THROUGH the mind and body. The cause and effect of the mind letter movement relationship then begins to take on a life of its own. Sir Isaac Newton struggled for years trying to find the hidden manna in the Bible. His third law of motion is one of the foremost Keys to the Bible, and yet he was unable to see it. "For every action there is an equal but opposite reaction." The mind simply develops WITHIN itself a mind-letter movement cycle that has been recorded to the Spirit of God. Letters move the mind, and the mind moves the letters. THE PHYSICAL MIND CHILD LETTER MOVEMENT CYCLE This is the mind cycle that the human race is physically born into. This cycle produces self consciousness. The letters that this mind moves are viewed as its own and are NOT connected to His Spirit. Thus, self only moves to meet self and self becomes conscious of self. THE CHILD OF GOD LETTER MOVEMENT CYCLE This is the born again spiritual mind cycle prepared by God to allow all His children to return to Him through the development of a Spiritual mind, if the physical mind is willing. This NEW cycle may be appropriately called the Christ Conscious Cycle, as the physical mind moves away from self and towards being a spiritual mind AS ONE with God. THE CARE AND FEEDING OF THE CHILD OF GOD The parental physical mind may feed its Child of God food called Hidden Manna by consciously re-connecting its own letters to His Spirit. HIDDEN MANNA Foods for the physical mind are letters of the alphabet called manna. Foods for the Child of God are Spiritual letters that are has hidden, and are the ESSENCE of the physical letters of the alphabet. Ironically, the letters of any alphabet are, and always have been, Spiritual letters. The modern human mind has simply not made the reconnection or "revelation". The modern physical mind simply never had an opportunity to feast on the hidden manna as the spiritual connection was never taught to the modern physical mind. A CHILD OF GOD AT PLAY As the Child of God moves God's Spiritual letters, the mind, itself begins to move to be AS One with God. AS Mary and Jesus were the first to make the conception of this Pattern possible, all things were given by God unto His first Son, including all the letters that every mind uses as symbols for communication in any language. "I AM Alpha and Omega", remember? Jesus was the first child to be As One with the Father because He was As One with God's Spiritual letters from the very beginning. AT PLAY WITH OUR LETTERS AS HIS LETTERS The Child of God may play all kinds of letter movement games with the words themselves. HIDE AND SEEK Where is the Lord? There He is. He is hiding IN the WORD child. The first letter of His name is literally hiding in the word hid that is even hidden in the word child. C H I (L) D This is not a coincidence. It is a sign that this information is true. ROOTING THE WORDS TO FIND THE SIGNS The mind of the Child of God develops by seeking His letters and finding them within its own words because they are His Spiritual signs along the way. Without God the word is SIN. With (G)od, once again attached to the mind's letters, the word SIN becomes a SI(G)N along the way. GRACE Someday the human race will be called God's race, and that is (G)race. (G)race is the movement of ace (one) upon the Earth plane, and that one is the Holy Spirit. EVOLUTION Many say that the human race evolved through evolution. The Child of God will go into the word evolution for a closer look. The Child of God may find that the word (evol) u shun is really the (love) u shun. EVOLVE The motivational force of letter movement by both God and the Child of God is based on their love for each other. As long as the Pattern of these two loves continue to evolve, and to draw and bond as one love, the human race will continue to... E V (O L) V E ....this bonding relationship

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